Team:IISER-Pune-India/TeamNotebook/Team Notebook 11e9906b405543a29361e38a50c81024/Team Reveal 08815e53463f4a19825aff41d1f91d24/Type here 70cc0e429e484213b3ee30b12126e9b4/Bomis 193060bd205e49bc8ce7f8102bc17a02



  1. Supports the pinapple on pizza federation
  1. Might accidentally drink the BG-11 nutrient medium

I'm Namasi and I like interdisciplinary research where concepts from multiple subjects come together. I can probably be found staring at the wall aimlessly or hopping into random buses without knowing the destination, just for the sake of it. There's only TV static in my brain all the time. Yes, I made the bingus model in the 2nd picture.